Some Software Engineering Tidbits

Something I noticed during the Software Engineering phase of our game was how by splitting the Player's damage-dealing and damage-receiving actors, we fundamentally changed the strategy involved in beating our game. There are three main actors in our game, Bryan, the player character, his enemies, and his towers. They function in a weapon-triangle sort of dynamic, where Bryan must collect and utilize the towers, the towers must defeat the enemies, and the enemies attempt to reduce Bryan to 0HP. 

In games where the player's hurtbox and hitboxes originate from the same position, combos like MovementSpeed+Shotgun and LongRange+ShortRange offenses were very powerful. In our game, however, this may not necessarily be the case. The combo I'm most interested to try out is the Explosive Shots upgrade on the Cannon Tower.

I look forward to the new and interesting strategies that our players come up with to bridge the gap between their character and his immobile weapons.

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